Latest News

Applying for a class admission in the middle of the course (2024/25)
如欲申請入讀本學年(即2024-2025年度)幼兒班、低班、高班(K1、K2、K3)之插班生者,可將個人資料電郵至[email protected]或郵寄至本園,如有任何查詢歡迎致電23383138與本幼稚園聯絡。

Prevent the Spreading of the Virus
To safeguard school’s health, we would like to urge parents to stay vigilant and guard against the spread of COVID-19. If children present diarrhea, vomiting, fever, skin rush, sore throat, cough or influenza, remember to seek the medical attention immediately. Children with those symptoms should wear a mask, stay at home and inform the school. Wait for two more days after the symptoms disappeared before coming back to school and bring the medical certificate. Do not forget to check children’s body temperature before leaving home. Our school has strengthened the cleansing and disinfection of the premises. Let us work together and prevent the spreading of the virus. Thanks

School Intro
The sponsoring body of St. Rose of Lima’s schools (secondary school, primary school and kindergarten) is the Franciscan Missionaries of Mary (aka F. M. M.) which was founded by Mother Mary of the Passion in India on 6th January 1877. With joy, peace and humility as our core values, our schools show no partiality to our students and are committed to nurturing our students in love so that they can mature intellectually, morally and spiritually. We believe children develop best in an atmosphere of freedom, and that is what we work restlessly to materialise.
Bible Verses
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